Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ever Since The Beginning Of Time, Humans Needed Some Type

Ever since the beginning of time, humans needed some type of system to live life. A system of social control, which involves formal and informal means of enforcing norms: rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. One thing that has seemed to be unacceptable and out of the norms in the past and a huge controversial topic was someone’s sexuality. Homosexulity is a very controversial topic, years ago and even today, there are many mixed feelings and different opinions, but one thing that is for sure, is that times have really changed since then, what it’s like to identify as LGBT in America. A news article that was just published this year, introduced a recent study has now shown that in the U.S, more†¦show more content†¦There are three major social theories that help sociologist take a deeper look into society as a whole and understand why things may be the way they are. These theories are known as Theoretical Paradigms and it cons ists of structural functionalism, social conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism is the blueprint for these theories, it envisions society as a complex system whose elements operate together to encourage solidarity and stability. Its main focus is â€Å"focusing on social structures as well as the functions that such structures perform† (Ritzer 29). Robert Meron, a structural functionalist, developed the concepts for this theory especially the central concept, functions. â€Å"These are the observable, positive consequences of a structure that help it survive, adapt, and adjust.† (Ritzer 29). Like all the other theories and studies in the world of sociology, structural functionalism comes with its own strengths and weaknesses. Exceptionally, the functionalist theory is the foundation for everything, it defines that everything has a purpose, job, or function in our society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Lottery Story Free Essays

Would you expect a killing on a nice summer day to replenish field crops to be a part of a town tradition? There is a bleak town in Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery.† Lottery is not defined by winning but losing according to one’s optimism. It implies the action and behavior passed through generations that are undoubtingly accepted. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lottery Story or any similar topic only for you Order Now In which an individual is chosen to be sacrificed for that year by being stoned to death. Because of tradition, everyone in the community becomes an accessory to murder. Tradition and sacrifice are words that we hold sacred to our heart. But we soon learn how tradition can monopolize our minds hold a superior command over people and demonstrate how merciless and evil people can be to one another including family. Tradition is not easily broken but it can hold great power over people. This community has embraced this barbaric routine as a tradition yet is reluctant to change. In the town square on June 27th at 10 am this rural town gathers for their annual lottery. This 80yr old tradition shows no sign of abolishment nor a reason for its continuance. Change is the opposition and is openly not welcomed. There is a small dilapidated black box that contains the names of all the families that is used for the lottery that needs replacing. â€Å"It is falling apart and, because the paint is so chipped, is hardly even black anymore† (Jackson 84). This box represents tradition and every year replacement talk arises but â€Å"no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box† (Jackson 84). This shows their loyalty and commitment to keeping the box that its resemblance has faded. It was said that the lottery box â€Å"had been made with some pieces of the box that had preceded it† (Jackson 84). This demonstration of obsessiveness due to sentimental value makes no sense because no reason for sentiment or value has been given other than if its tradition then it must be good. Going against the grain of the community impedes their better judgment and ignoring the signs of deterioration shows there unwillingness to move forward with change. All members of the household must be present for the commencement of the ceremony but this year Mr. Dunbar absence was duly noted in an open forum. â€Å"Mr. Summers consulted his list. â€Å"Clyde Dunbar.† he said â€Å"That’s right. He’s broke his leg, hasn’t he? Who’s drawing for him?† (Jackson 84) Even the incapacitated are obligated to participate there are no passes given or allowed. Tradition request all families participation and there is no room for compassion. Mr. Summers demonstrates his lack of concern by how quickly he proceeds to the next question â€Å"who’s taking his place† (Jackson 84) versus being concerned about his medical status. Mrs. Dunbar accepts the responsibility of her husband for it is their only option. There was no objection to his forwardness or contemplation of removing Mr. Dunbar from the list. The idea of no one questioning or protesting proves that tradition trumps individualism. Old man Warner the towns oldest living resident averts his refusal to change anything. When he hears that there is talk about a neighboring town giving up the lottery, he responds by saying â€Å"Nothing but trouble in that,† Old Man Warner said stoutly. â€Å"Pack of young fools† (Jacksons 84). He symbolizes the old generation and his disgust with the younger generation that are prompting to change his tradition that he has held sacred for 77yrs cant be easily digested. His way of thinking of the lottery maybe superstitious. He says, there used to be a saying â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon† (Jackson 84). Which means he believes that the sacrifice is necessary for the betterment of the town and if not they might have to revert to old caveman customs â€Å"eating stewed chickweed and acorns† (Jackson 84). The consequence of following an ill-conceived tradition blindly can lead you right off a cliff. Their inability to change due to a tradition demonstrates the superior command it holds over people. Where do loyalties lie with family, friends or neither? The time has come, and all the slips of paper have been chosen from the black box. The lottery winner is Bill Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson quickly protests on her husband behalf that he was rushed in selecting his slip of paper. Bill’s advices his wife is grim and terse: â€Å"Shut up, Tessie,† Bill Hutchinson said (Jackson 84). A second drawing takes places between the five members of the Hutchinson family. What type of society would condone the killing of a child or a toddler? â€Å"I’ve got no other family except the kids. How many kids, Bill?† Mr. Summers asked formally (Jackson 84). Bill gives all the names calmly me Tessie, Bill Jr., Nancy, and little Dave to Mr. Summers. Is a tradition that important that humanity doesn’t exist? Does the community see how brutal their actions are by condoning how it tears a family apart? Once the family’s name is chosen the word family and its sentiments doesn’t exist anymore. The mother Tessie Hutchinson tried to include the name of their married daughter and son-in-law by yelling â€Å"Make them take their chance!† and was shot down â€Å"Daughters draw with their husbands’ families, Tessie,† Mr. Summers said gently. â€Å"You know that as well as anyone else† (Jackson 84). How does a mother openly through her child under the bus? Does the pressure of winning show one’s true colors or are these deep compartmentalize feelings that surface during times of war. â€Å"Be a good sport, Tessie.† Mrs. Delacroix called, and Mrs. Graves said, â€Å"All of us took the same chance† (Jackson84). Be a good sport is encouraged by your friends even if it is your own death. Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson is the winner of the second lottery and is now ready to be vocal about how this isn’t fair. Time has lapsed and â€Å"All right, folks.† Mr. Summers said. â€Å"Let’s finish quickly.† In the beginning, the narrator explains that the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner (Jackson 84). How soon people turn, it’s like a full moon to a werewolf there is no escaping the inevitable no matter how much you were liked. How merciful was Mrs. Delacroix when she selected a stone so large that required both hands or her husband saying, â€Å"Shut up, Tessie† (Jackson 87) at the moment of her stoning. The cruelty that exists in this town is astonishing. Encouraging children and others to partake in such malice behavior that you would kill your own wife and allow your children to kill their mother. Evil is represented by the town while the people are its minions. How did tradition monopolize Tessie Hutchinson that her participation in the lottery would be her own demise? First, she was late to the lottery because she was so busy cleaning, â€Å"Clean forgot what day it was†¦ and then I looked out the window and the kids were gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a running† (Jackson 85). Its obvious that’s Tessie’s carless behavior believes that nothing will happen to her as if she is exempt from the lottery. Her perfect attendance record has monopolized her mind to think that she will not be chosen. She is greeted with warm welcomes and jokes as the crowd parted for her to join and stand next to her husband and family. Mr. Summers, who had been waiting, said cheerfully. â€Å"Thought we were going to have to get on without you, Tessie†(Jackson 84). She was loved earlier by many who respected her. This whole town became hypnotized by the lottery that they all lacked common sense that individualized them. Even though they seemed to be respectable in the beginning as soon as the cow bell is rung they immediately revert back to their barbaric customs. Is Tessie a hypocrit for becoming condesending about the rituals she promoted, attended, and participated in many times in the past. Is she oblivious or selfish regarding the meaning of her sacrafice and how it means that crops will grow in adundance for the whole town including her children. Had she not realized that due to her clouded judgement that the food on her dinner table is because of the previous years recipients. Is it weird that last year or any previous year winners are not talked about. Is ther an unspoken rule that the stoned are forgotten. All these things coupled together can monopolize one’s thoughts by trichery if you allow fate to blindfolded you, and decieved you all the way to the endby a stoned death. Jackson has controlled our thoughts with such inappropriate behavior surrounding Tessie that this character is popular all the way till the end. Even though tradition is the main focal point of this story Tessie draws you in with her objectivity after winning the lottery. Would she have opposed if another family was chosen. â€Å"The Lottery† is an extreme example of what can happen when traditions go unquestioned. It starts of innocent and gives a massive eruption at the end with symbolisms of death and how its masqueraded. The black box promotes and emphasizes death. As well as the characters like Mr. Graves whos name signifies burial or to be buried. Old Man Warner is the voice that warns you that changed is not needed or wanted and the killings should continue for the sake of continuing. Tessie Hutchinson is death itself and is only concern when it involes her. Jackson embodies all things that seem to be good and incorporates a meaning that sometimes we have to let go of things in order to make a fresh start. What a sinister way to show explore it but in some culture it is believed. How to cite The Lottery Story, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Activities of Daily Living

Question: This report presents a brief analysis of the interview conducted on Mr. X who is a professor of the G.F. University of Australia. Answer: Introduction: Activities of daily living (ADL) is a term coined in order to refer to the daily self-care activities of individuals in the healthcare sector. As stated by Mehrholz et al. (2012). The healthcare professionals often use an individuals ability or inability to execute ADL as a form of measurement of their functional condition. In this context, a personal interview of G.F. University Professor Mr. X was conducted during a health campaign held on the University campus. Mr. X was forty eight years old and an old employee of this institution. He has almost twenty years of experience as a professor. He was one of the Physics Professors in the science department. The purpose of the interview and the questionnaire was to understand the ADL of the professor and also recognize weather his health conditions requires medical assistance (Pirsiavash and Ramanan 2012). Questionnaire: The interview was conducted using the questionnaire as an effective tool. The set of questions were designed based the general Activities of daily living (ADL) of an individual. The main aim of the questions prepared was to understand the functional activities of the interviewee. The set of questions were designed based on the Resource Utilisation Groups (RUG). There were total six questions and out of these six questions one question was related to the medications intake of the interviewee (DESJARDINS and SAVOYSKI 2014). RUG-ADL ITEM ANSWER SCORE Do you require assistance while readjusting your position in bed or chair? I can independently move from one position to the other in the bed or chair and able to readjust position. Moreover, I can perform my own pressure area relief, through spontaneous movement around the bed." 1 Do you require assistance while eating or drinking? Im able to cut, chew and also swallow food and eat using my hands without anyones assistance. 1 Are you independent while using the toilet? Im able to mobilize to the toilet, clean self and adjust my clothing without the assistance of a person. 1 Do you require assistance while transferring from one place to another? I don't need any personal or device assistance, and I'm able to perform all transfers independently. 1 Do you consume any medicine? If yes what and why? I'm able to consume medicine on my own without any assistance. I take one "Aten 50 every day since I have high blood pressure, and this sometimes causes me to get tempted. 1 How often do you use the chair in the class? I do get tired often on continuous standing upright for a long time and often used the chair to provide relief. 4 The RUG-ADL score of Mr. X sums up to 9 (Klinger et al. 2013). Ethical considerations: The Codes of the ethics for nurses has been designed for the nursing professionals at all levels in Australia. It does not only confine to the people from nursing background but also designed for people receiving nursing care, agencies responsible for the protection of consumers, managers of health care, as well as the general community. It summarizes the different facets of commitment of nursing professionals towards the people under their care, respecting, safeguarding and promoting their fundamental rights. The main motive of the Code of Ethics for Nurses is to : Recognize and characterize the basic values and standards of ethics, which is followed by the nursing professionals and that is standardized by the professional nursing guidelines. To serve as a reference to nurses in order to help them evaluate their conduct. To serve as a guideline to the recipients of healthcare as to what they can expect from the nursing professionals. The Code of Ethics for Nurses states that the nurses should Value for the quality nursing for all individuals. Show appreciation of respect and kindness towards others and oneself. Appreciate the diversity of people. Provide quality healthcare service to all Appreciate and respect for the decisions made by the patients Maintain the safe and hygienic environment Manage and secure patient information Promote wellbeing of the patients and other individuals by maintaining a socially, ecologically and economically sound environment (Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au, 2016). Evaluation of the code of ethics that was followed in Mr. Xs case - Code statement 1 : Nurses should value the accept the standard nursing care procedures and acknowledge the responsibility for the care provided by them .(Johnstone 2015) . In case of patient it is the sole responsibility of a nurse to determine whether or not a person is entitled for a nursing care, by evaluating his day to day activities. The questionnaire designed for Mr. X highlights the activities of daily life (ADL), and helps in determining whether or not, Mr. X requires assistance or quality nursing care. Code statement 2: Nurses should value respect for the customers of healthcare, and continually protect the dignity of a patient or for an individual who might require health care(Ahpra.gov.au, 2016). It also includes coping up or the level of tolerance shown by a nurse, with regard to a patient requiring assistance especially older adults, and realizing the helplessness or vulnerability of the individual under care. Considering the case of Mr. X, who is short tempered and usually disgusted by the number of questions being asked to him. A sense for respect and tolerance was maintained during the session. Code Statement 7: Nurses should maintain the confidentiality and privacy of each person under their care and should not disclose any information to any unauthorized person. In addition to that, the information should only be accessed in order to provide quality health care. All the information provided by Mr. X is kept confidential and all the interactions are purely professional and private in nature. The information will only be used to determine the need of quality health care. ADL Practices of the interviewee: According to the Resource Utilisation Groups (RUG-ADL) in a community service a score of (16 18) RUG-ADL or above reflects serious condition and thus, requires a referral to the hospital or aged care provision placement. According to Eckner (2014), these scores may trigger Occupational Therapy assessment or elevation in the tools and equipment in the community or the inpatient setting. On considering the case of Mr. X, he was a middle-aged man who required the least assistance. According to the interview conducted using the questionnaire as a tool, it was found that the RUG-ADL score of Mr. X was calculated as 9. As per the RUG-ADL scoring scale, values between 16 to 18 reflects serious condition. Since the score of Mr. X was reported as nine, therefore, he dons not require referral to a hospital (Pompeu et al. 2012). According to the interview, Mr. X has normal ADL, and he does not require assistance in any of his daily activities ranging from mobility to eating habits. This reflects his body functioning is almost normal and stable. The only exception is the consumption of medicine daily for high blood pressure and often requires the assistance of a chair during a long stay in the classroom (Sjlund et al. 2014). As discussed by Verhaaren et al. (2013), there are few determinants that play a significant role in identifying the reason of his health condition and ADL. The first determinant is stress. Since, Mr. X was a professor, the daily activities that he performed in the class which involves tension about controlling the class discipline, demonstration, conducting practical, checking answer scripts, etc. all piles up to cause hypertension. This ultimately leads to high blood pressure. The second determinant of health is age. Generally, high blood pressure is observed in middle aged person. His age and high blood pressure cause him to get stressed out during a long period of class room activity (Semenza et al. 2014). Conclusion: This report presents a brief analysis of the interview conducted on Mr. X who is a professor of the G.F. University of Australia. Activities of daily living (ADL) is a term coined in order to refer to the daily self-care activities of individuals in the healthcare sector. The healthcare professionals often use an individuals ability or inability to execute ADL as a form of measurement of their functional condition. The interview was conducted using the questionnaire as an effective tool. The set of questions were designed based the general "Activities of daily living (ADL)" of Mr. X. The questionnaire contained a set of six questions which were related to the daily activities of the interviewee. As per the report of the interview, it can be concluded that the physical activities and functions of Mr. X were normal except assistance of chair during class was taken due to high blood pressure. The determinants of his condition were identified as his age and stress. References: Ahpra.gov.au. (2016). Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Search. DESJARDINS, M. and SAVOYSKI, J., 2014. Activities of Daily Living.Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants, p.342. Eckner, J., 2014.High blood pressure-determinants and risks. Johnstone, M.J., 2015.Bioethics: a nursing perspective. Elsevier Health Sciences Klinger, E., Kadri, A., Sorita, E., Le Guiet, J.L., Coignard, P., Fuchs, P., Leroy, L., Du Lac, N., Servant, F. and Joseph, P.A., 2013. AGATHE: A tool for personalized rehabilitation of cognitive functions based on simulated activities of daily living.IRBM,34(2), pp.113-118. Mehrholz, J., Hdrich, A., Platz, T., Kugler, J. and Pohl, M., 2012. Electromechanical and robotà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ assisted arm training for improving generic activities of daily living, arm function, and arm muscle strength after stroke.The Cochrane Library. Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au. (2016). Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Professional standards. [online] Available at: https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Professional-standards.aspx [Accessed 22 Jun. 2016]. Pirsiavash, H. and Ramanan, D., 2012, June. Detecting activities of daily living in first-person camera views. InComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on(pp. 2847-2854). IEEE. Pompeu, J.E., dos Santos Mendes, F.A., da Silva, K.G., Lobo, A.M., de Paula Oliveira, T., Zomignani, A.P. and Piemonte, M.E.P., 2012. Effect of Nintendo Wii-based motor and cognitive training on activities of daily living in patients with Parkinson's disease: A randomised clinical trial.Physiotherapy,98(3), pp.196-204. Semenza, C., Meneghello, F., Arcara, G., Burgio, F., Gnoato, F., Facchini, S., Benavides-Varela, S., Clementi, M. and Butterworth, B., 2014. A new clinical tool for assessing numerical abilities in neurological diseases: numerical activities of daily living.Frontiers in aging neuroscience,6. Sjlund, B.M., Wimo, A., Qiu, C., Engstrm, M. and von Strauss, E., 2014. Time trends in prevalence of activities of daily living (ADL) disability and survival: comparing two populations (aged 78+ years) living in a rural area in Sweden.Archives of gerontology and geriatrics,58(3), pp.370-375. Verhaaren, B.F., Vernooij, M.W., de Boer, R., Hofman, A., Niessen, W.J., van der Lugt, A. and Ikram, M.A., 2013. High blood pressure and cerebral white matter lesion progression in the general population.Hypertension,61(6), pp.1354-1359.