Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Business Level Strategy for Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Question: Talk about theBusiness Level Strategy for Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Answer: Appeal of the confectionary advertise Confectionary advertise is one of the most appealing markets on the planet. It is for the most part settled in the North America and Western Europe. As per the report by Phan and Vincelette (2008), the USA was the most grounded advertise for the confectionary and chocolates business in 2007. The confectionary organizations are currently focusing on the developing markets in Asia, for example, India, Japan and China because of the developing abundance for chocolates and confectionaries. The appeal can be comprehended from the insights of National Confectioners Association, USA candy markets encountered a climb in deals from $27.9 billion out of 2005 to $29.1 billion of every 2007. Normal spending on confectionaries in USA was $93.92 and on chocolates was $52.16 in 2006. Net revenue was around 35% for the confectionaries in the USA. The information of 2002 shows, the Scandinavian and Western European nations are the biggest customers of the cocoa and confectionary items, trailed by the Americas. Normal yearly chocolate utilization of 8kg per capita makes Europe a worthwhile market. Tastes and inclinations of shoppers make this industry an appealing one. The confectionary advertise was grown first in the Europe and afterward in the USA. The luxuriousness for the chocolates and confectionary items has been developing over the world since the previous century. Henceforth, with the expanding utilization of cocoa, assortment of chocolates and various sorts of confectionary items has made this industry an extremely worthwhile one. Key Success Factors in the Confectionary Market The achievement of the confectionary advertise relies vigorously upon the preferences and inclinations of the clients and it is significant for confectioners to comprehend the pattern of the inclinations to flourish in the business. Premium confectioners of the world are Godiva, Lindt, Nestle, Harsheys, mm, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Ferrero and so forth and for a significant stretch of time, these organizations have been administering the world market. The key achievement factors are as per the following: Understanding the pattern and example of the clients tastes is the essential factor for progress. The idea of the market must be broke down appropriately. The more developed markets incline toward low calorie, more beneficial items, while the new and developing markets lean toward the fundamental items. Different segment factors must be assessed. Religion, culture, custom, pay level and way of life are the deciding elements for the deals of the chocolates and confectionary items. A few societies lean toward desserts while some incline toward chocolates. The interest for gourmet chocolates and low calorie, more advantageous confectionaries are ascending in the created markets. In the developing markets like India and China, the confectioners need to contend with the customary desserts. Henceforth, segment factors must be seen accurately. Reasonable exchange practices ought to be received by the organizations. Presently a days, in spite of the fact that the customers want to devour solid dim chocolate items, they are likewise cognizant about the misuse of the cocoa ranchers in the Western Africa and utilization of kid work. Rivalries are expanding for the worldwide chocolate and confectionary industry. Consequently, the organizations must make great procedures for selling their items. The retail locations, stock stores and their own processing plant outlets are reachable to the customers and they focus to make the costs reasonable to all (Phan Vincelette, 2008). References Phan, A., Vincelette, J. (2008).Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Inc. (2008): Recipe for progress.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

February Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

February Revolution - Essay Example 1917 saw two unmistakable Revolutions in Russia: the topple of the tsarist system (February Revolution) and the upset by which the Bolsheviks took power (October Revolution). The reasons for these two unrests envelop Russia's political, social, and financial circumstance. Strategically, the individuals of Russia detested the totalitarianism of Tsar Nicholas II. The misfortunes that the Russians endured during World War I further debilitated Russia's perspective on Nicholas II (Lynch, 2000). Socially, tsarist Russia stood well behind the remainder of Europe in its industry and cultivating, bringing about scarcely any open doors for reasonable progression with respect to laborers and mechanical specialists. Financially, across the board swelling in Russia added to the upset. Nicholas himself pushed insecurity into upheaval in 1905 by the shocking international strategy he sought after in East Asia. Discovered that Russia ought not be forgotten about in the scramble for pioneer assets, Nicholas left on an expansionist approach in Manchuria and Korea that prompted war with Japan in 1904 (see Russo-Japanese War). Russia's thrashing by Japan destroyed the government's glory and prompted the improvement of a restriction development that for a period included practically all areas of Russian culture. In January 1905, in an occasion that got known as Bloody Sunday, unarmed groups requesting radical protected and social changes were shot somewhere around the military close to the ruler's castle in Saint Petersburg (see Russian Revolution of 1905). In the wake of this occasion, mobs and shows broke out all through the nation. Laborers took to the streets, warriors mutinied, workers assaulted landowners, and understudies and individuals from the white collar class requested protected government and social change. To pacify restriction directs and recover support for the system, Nicholas had to guarantee a constitution in October 1905. In spite of the fact that he held authority over the official branch and broad administrative forces, wide-going social equality, including the right to speak freely of discourse and gathering, were guaranteed, and a chosen authoritative get together, the Duma, was made. In any case, when the initial two Dumas requested parliamentary authority over the administration and the confiscation of respectable land, Nicholas upheld a radical and illegal impediment of the appointive law in June 1907. This permitted him to accomplish a Duma with not very many individuals from left-wing parties, which were the gatherings requesting the most extreme changes. Nicholas thought that it was a lot simpler to work together with the landowner-commanded Third and Fourth Dumas. Significant military, instructive, social protection and, most importantly, agrarian changes were ordered. Up to this time, worker family units had been allocated segments of land, however the land was by and large possessed by town cooperatives (Lynch, 2000). Under land changes progressed by Prime Minister Stolypin, the laborers were permitted to guarantee responsibility for land and leave the collectives. As in the earlier decade, financial development was fantastic. Class struggle in the towns stayed intense, be that as it may, and the prompt consequence of Stolypin's agrarian changes was, on the off chance that anything, to build the radicalism of a large portion of the working class and their assurance to hold onto all honorable land whenever given the opportunity. The

Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Perfect List of Thematic Essay Topics for College Students

A Perfect List of Thematic Essay Topics for College Students Writing a good thematic essay isn’t an easy task for many students. However, it’s a popular academic assignment and teacher often expect their students to complete it successfully. Although some people have their natural writing talents, others are faced with serious problems with this paper. Your strong written expression skills are quite helpful, but they aren’t enough to earn high grades if you lack patience and hard work. To write a winning thematic essay, it’s necessary to take this assignment seriously and stay responsible. You should focus on your task and don’t wait until the last minute, no matter of your self-confidence. Look for good thematic essay topics and ensure that they’re interesting to the targeted audience. Intro A thematic essay can be defined as any academic writing with the central theme developed by you through the use of different literary devices. They are all about specific structures, such as imagery, foreshadowing, personification, and others. You need to use effective literary devices to convey the main message to readers easily. Use them all effectively to present the chosen subject and clearly express its overall importance. Literary devices can serve as strong evidence. It’s easy for students to get lost in a number of thematic essay topic ideas, and that’s why choosing the most impactful and meaningful one can be a real challenge. All students are different and have their unique writing style. Besides, all readers may interpret notions and ideas differently, and that’s why it’s important for you to agree on a generic central topic. A well-written and winning thematic essay accomplishes this goal by using the main idea supported by strong evidence and logical arguments through different literary devices. What to describe in essay? If you don’t know what to describe in your thematic essay, look for interesting and fresh examples of thematic essay topics and do the following: Go beyond a simple reiteration and recall of facts; Focus on specific themes and concepts; Emphasize your critical thinking skills; Make effective linkages and connections; Try to move beyond responding to separate questions and think about connections. Reference on how to write thematic essay To write a good thematic essay and earn high grades, the first thing that you should do is to brainstorm and choose suitable thematic paper topics. Do your best to identify the best theme that you’re interested in. The good news is that most teachers assign topics in special essay prompts. Conduct your in-depth research to get relevant and useful information for your writing session. Look for credible and updated sources of information both online and offline. State a strong thesis or make a clear assertion based on important research findings. Remember that you need to support it in the main body of your thematic essay. To write a catchy introductory paragraph, you should present the chosen topic, use an effective hook, and state a thesis in a brief and logical manner. In the main body, write all of your key points in detail while making relevant connections and using examples, citations, and quotes when needed. Use a separate paragraph for every new point or topic sentence. When writing a concluding paragraph, reassert important facts, your thesis, and leave your valuable comments to make a lasting impression. Essay samples for inspiration If you’re assigned with a thematic essay, but you don’t know how to start it, make sure that you know its correct definition. Look for useful samples and examples online because they can serve you as helpful guides for writing your academic paper. Their use makes it possible for students to understand the basics of this type of writing, including an outline, formatting, requirements, and so on. Ensure that you use only the samples obtained from trusted sources of information. If you don’t know what to write about in your paper, look for interesting and original thematic essay topics examples. When analyzing available examples, pay close attention to the right essay structure, concluding and introductory paragraphs, list of words cited, etc. Use them when writing your unique paper to avoid making mistakes and improve its content. Tips for writing Provide yourself with enough time to complete this academic assignment. Writing a good thematic essay requires your prior knowledge base without providing any actual documents. Before you start completing this task, be sure to understand it correctly. Keep in mind that your comprehension plays an important role. It’s also necessary to conduct your research on the chosen topic and gather relevant and useful information. Use only reliable and updated sources of information in your thematic essay. After getting acquainted with your subject, the next step is picking your stance. You should be creative, think widely, and avoid being afraid of using unique ideas. Teachers don’t expect you to break new grounds, but you’re always welcome to offer something new that you can prove. Organize your thematic essay correctly and create its detailed outline. When you have enough information to support a thesis, you need to organize it correctly. Create an effective plan because it will help you make the entire discussion stronger and complete this academic assignment faster. It’s impossible to earn high grades without a draft. Even if you have no idea of where to start, write a rough draft of your thematic essay and remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Ensure that it contains major statements because you can edit it for excellent later. You can make a few drafts before finalizing your paper, so don’t be lazy. An introductory paragraph should start your thematic essay. This is where you need to make your point clear and state a strong thesis, which introduces your opinion that will lead to a further discussion. The introduction should provide readers with the main idea of your paper while being coherent to let readers see what it your writing all about from the very beginning. The main body requires you to be patient and pay attention to every detail. You need to write a direct discussion in this part without overlooking closing and topic sentences. In most cases, students write three body paragraphs, but you’re free to add more when needed. The end of your thematic paper must provide readers with a logical conclusion where you sum up the main arguments, make logical connections, and show how given information proves your stance. A concluding paragraph should let the audience see how convincing your ideas are. It also takes some materials from the introduction to paraphrase the main idea. Feel free to restate a thesis in different ways if it helps. You also need to reread and edit your final draft even if you feel tired. That’s because it’s hard to get high marks if there are grammar or other errors in your paper. Editing and proofreading are important parts of your successful thematic essay writing. Be prudential, check spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and ensure that your format is correct. A list of topics for thematic essay When looking for interesting and fresh topics for a thematic essay, take these ideas into consideration: What does Harper Lee say about innocence in To Kill a Mockingbird? The development of philosophy in Europe; John Steinbeck about isolation and loneliness in Of Mice and Men; How Perfect Utopia is portrayed in 1984 by George Orwell; Fitzgerald about the American Dream; The influence of Buddhism; Major single-parenting issues; The judgement of the death penalty; Personal development and social norms; Alterations in the modern political sphere. How to choose a right topic? Uncovering a central theme or the main subject in your thematic essay is a major step to earning good grades. It’s quite difficult for many students to decide to the best topic because of available options. To make the right choice and find easy thematic essay topics, take a few basic steps. Summarize relevant literature to get some helpful hints for your subject. Choose the most prevent idea and look for an interesting talking point to discuss in your thematic paper. Read between lines when checking reliable sources of information. After finding some suitable ideas for thematic essay topics, get deeper into them to get better clues. There are certain questions that should be answered to end up with a good topic, and most of them concern its overall significance. What is the overall importance of your main theme? What can be taken from it to apply to everyday life? What are the lessons that people can learn from it? After giving your answers to these questions, you will end up with a brilliant subject for your thematic essay. Conclusion The success of your future paper depends on many elements, such as your writing skills and knowledge of the chosen subject. Writing a good thematic essay also takes a lot of hard work, persistence, and experience. If completing this academic task seems daunting or complex to you, entrust it to our custom paper writing professionals who will solve all of your problems.

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Man By The Name Of Species By Charles R. Darwin

Introduction A man by the name of Charles R. Darwin published a book that was titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, (typically called The Origin of Species). Published in 1859, this book caused a great dispute in the world of science. You see, in his book Darwin was just trying to answer an age old question â€Å"How Did We Get Here?† without ever referring to a supernatural creator. This book shocked the science community. Up until now, science was linked to god. The idea to some people that science and God were not together was astonishing. But to others it was horrendous. These people couldn’t believe a scientist who didn’t refer to God as a natural part†¦show more content†¦He mainly concentrated on the finches. Many science historians give credit to the birds (Darwin’s Finches) in inspiring Darwin’s theory. Let’s look at the birds. Bird 1 has thick long beak. Bird 2 has a thick short beak. Bird 3 has a tiny stub like beak while bird 4 has a short narrow beak. Also their food preferences varied between the species. The big beaked birds could crack a shell of an egg, while the small beaked birds could only eat insects. What does this prove? They are a good example of micro-evolution. They show us that finches can vary in their morphology, and that natural selection has a role in this. HOWEVER†¦This study does not give evidence for macro-evolution, and does not prove that natural selection and random mutation could produce the living world as we know it from simple single-celled ancestors. Microevolution VS. Macroevolution Darwin was able to derail an idea that each individual species on the earth was specially created by God and could never fundamentally change. How? Darwin compared domestic the domesticated versions of many animals with that of their wild counterparts. Example. Wild dogs behaved different from domesticated dogs. Fact most domesticated dogs cannot reproduce with wild ones. Thus domestic dogs were considered a whole different species however, domestic dogs were only wild dogs that the breeder trained. Dog breeders would selectively mate these dogs that had allowed reproducing. This manmade selection Darwin realized this

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples for Dummies

Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples for Dummies Write out questions which you're working on. For visual learners who have to find the entire word, the context, and the significance of the word, our SnapWords are quite effective. Spatial and visual learners are somewhat more likely to organize not merely their work, but in their everyday lives concerning scheduling and visual appeal. Everybody has a different learning style. Developing a portrait photo essay is a mixture of art and journalism. Visual Literacy is something which lets us look at something within this event an image like a photograph and us as the viewer can define what it means. It is going to often include words and pictures. Speculate on just what the artist would consider the view of the picture with time. Building a short film is simpler than it has ever been. Society tells everyone which they're a success based upon how much material wealth they've obtained. Children find it impossible to grasp the si mple fact a task can be reversed. Merton's major concern was that societies, like the United States of america, do not offer the ability to realize cultural objectives. 1 assumption of conventional functionalism is that all widespread pursuits or items are functional for the full system. Spelling tests need good visual sequential memory abilities. In 2nd paragraph you should expand on Mertons Theory. Bottom-Up Processing The second theory of visual processing is known as bottom-up processing, where we use our comprehension of the individual constituents of a concept to comprehend the whole. What You Need to Know About Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples Thus the latent functions help to lessen the rate of gambling. As a consequence, they are more inclined to seek out alternative routes to success. Once a person begins using illegitimate coping mechanisms, it can be quite tough to change directions and utilize legitimate strategies. Employing the instance of the American dream, in order for each person to achieve it, they should have accessibility to a lot of luxuries like education, which isn't always true. Young children don't know that other folks have various beliefs or thoughts. When many individuals think the socially-accepted method to attain their objectives are too difficult, only a little number of them go on to commit crimes. Our students and kids, but do not necessarily learn in precisely the same style as we do. Among the examples utilized by Merton is the rain dance that's harnessed by the community so as to generate rain, the results of the exact same is intended and desired by the folks that participate in the ritual. What About Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples? While structuring the essay, it's important a proper thesis is chosen. Marketing your business doesn't need to be complicated. Don't forget, the most essential thing you've got to keep to in your essay is attempting to make your readers interested. There are vari ous types of essays that I would assume most of you are already familiarized with. How to Choose Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples It provided a sociological alternate to biological and mental theories. This question may not be answered without investigating deviance. Labeling theory is likewise an effort to spell out crime from a sociological position. His strain theory begins with the overall assumption that societies provide both culturally-valued targets and culturally-valued ways. Visual closure is the capability of a person to establish the clues presented visually, such he is going to be able to recognize the look of the last object without all the details being present at precisely the same moment. They could redefine the objectives and method of collegethat it's about building a social change as opposed to learning, and thus they may get in the protest scene. Essentially, story is that in the event that you work hard, go to school, then you are able to become wha tever you would like. A kid's thought procedure is far different than an older person's. Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples: the Ultimate Convenience! The American Dream' encouraged people to pursue an aim of success that was largely measured with respect to the acquisition of wealth and material possessions. Goals have to be realistic and society should have the means for individual to fulfill their objectives. From a scientific viewpoint, but this objective is not likely to be achieved. In many instances, but these goals are unachievable. Visual Essay Mertons Theory Samples Ideas There is a shortage of conservation among children in this time of their life. The latent purpose of transportation might be the personal autonomy one has by allowing people to prevent public transportation. A good example of a kids' lack of conservation skills, is every time a kid is shown two glasses of milk with similar quantity. It is possible to adjust your study style to make the most of your time and efforts. The evolution of subcultures is explained in relation to the place of groups and individuals in the social structure. The Visual learner should find all study material.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Practice Of Enforced Conformity English Literature Essay Free Essays

string(93) " terrific merchandise of the societal system he belonged to † \( Wharton, 1918:35 \) \." The end of this drawn-out essay is to oppugn the pattern of implemented conformance within the societies depicted by Edith Wharton ‘s The Age of Innocence and Mark Twain ‘s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This paper encompasses the two plants which compare the differences between the social facets of conformance within Twain ‘s Southern provinces of pre-civil war America and Wharton ‘s post-civil war New York. Both writers use the position of their several supporters to reflect on and knock the biass and values of these societies. We will write a custom essay sample on The Practice Of Enforced Conformity English Literature Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses the cardinal character of Huck to foreground society ‘s lip service and the manner that faith and morality stifle individuality and free-spiritedness. Huck is invariably indicating out the manner that persons believe themselves to be devout and morally unsloped but, in fact, are by and large hypocritical and dishonest. One of Twain ‘s chief onslaughts is directed against the system of bondage in concurrence with the stereotyping of Negroes at this clip. Huck ‘s voice is used to foreground the unfairness of this system, although, being a merchandise of this society, he besides expresses some of the biass he has learnt. Other characters, such as Jim and Pap, are included to research this subject farther. Puting, imagination and a humourous tone aid to reenforce Twain ‘s review. Wharton uses similar devices to reprobate New York society in late 19th century. Unlike the boylike artlessness of Huck, Wharton ‘s supporter, Newland Archer, is misanthropic and can see rather clearly the mistakes in his community. It is suggested that he would wish to interrupt out of conventional behavior, but does non hold the bravery. Other characters, such as May and Ellen, are used to foreground the harm that the insisting on conformance causes to persons. Wharton besides draws to her readers ‘ attending, the patriarchal nature of this society, its focal point on philistinism, and refusal to alter. Like Twain, Wharton uses symbolism, particularly that of flowers and costume, every bit good as elusive sarcasm, to foreground her observations. Word Count: 330 words Introduction One major facet of human nature is the bias against those who reject social norms. It seems inevitable that the bulk is prejudiced against those who refuse to conform, in order to keep societal stableness and do certain everybody upholds the values that most people portion. There are many different sorts of bias but the chief focal point of two American novels, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ( 1884 ) , by Mark Twain, and Edith Wharton ‘s The Age of Innocence ( 1918 ) , trade with prejudice against non-conformists. These authors use a assortment of devices to place readers to be hostile towards such values and conventionality. Couple utilises the supporter, Huckleberry Finn, every bit good as a overplus of secondary characters, such as Pap and Jim, to foreground the unfairness of the bondage system which operated before the civil war. Furthermore, Twain besides critiques the lip service of most people, who claim to take the moral high land, but are, in fact, merely holier-th an-thou. In this text, imagination and sarcasm are used to convey the author ‘s strong message. Wharton employs similar techniques. The supporter, Newland Archer, is portrayed as a coward. He is to the full cognizant of the absurdnesss of his society ‘s insisting on conformance, but can non interrupt off, taking to the calamity of his by and large unrealized life. Minor characters, including Ellen and May, reinforce this major subject every bit good as Wharton ‘s onslaught on the patriarchal nature of her surroundings, and fright of alteration. Like Twain, Wharton weaves into her text, a strong sense of sarcasm and drawn-out imagination. Thus the two texts are really similar in manner and construction, although they deal with really different societies and conventions. The Age of Innocence is set in upper-class New York society in post-civil war America. In this surroundings, people are really proud of their community ‘s accomplishments and reject alteration, which they perceive will endanger the position quo, richness and civilization. Wharton suggests that persons are raised in a civilization that is already to the full established with complex sets of values and categorizations, regulations and prohibitions. The bulk accepts these codifications as normal and natural. Having mastered the complexnesss of the civilization, life is conducted in the channels provided by that civilization. Hence, when anyone attempts alteration or stairss out of these well-worn waies, he or she is rounded upon, condemned and finally rejected. New York in the late 19th century is besides stiffly patriarchal and adult females must be cosmetic, supportive and economically dependent on work forces. In contrast, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is set before the civ il war in America ‘s Deep South, specifically along the Mississippi River. Unlike New York, the chief bias here is racial. Most Whites support bondage and are dying to maintain Negroes in their topographic point, for fright that they will accomplish equality and hence overthrow the high quality of the Whites. This society besides prides itself on its moral virtuousnesss and is determined to coerce everyone to conform to the spiritual conventions. Edith Wharton uses a assortment of methods to reprobate New York ‘s society ‘s snobbism and fright of alteration. The supporter, Newland Archer, is Wharton ‘s chief device. In the first chapter, it is rapidly established that he conforms to societal norms, as readers learn that, â€Å" what was or what was non â€Å" the thing † played a portion as of import in Newland ‘s New York. † ( Wharton, 1918: 4 ) However, Newland likes to believe of himself as a non-conformist and feels that he is the â€Å" clearly the higher-up of these chosen specimens of old New York † . ( Wharton, 1918:7 ) Mutely, he mocks those whom he sees as slaves to conventionality. Assorted incidents are used to foreground Newland ‘s disdain. He is frustrated by May ‘s deficiency of independent action when she refuses to run off with him and comes to see her as â€Å" a terrific merchandise of the societal system he belonged to † ( Wharton, 1918:35 ) . You read "The Practice Of Enforced Conformity English Literature Essay" in category "Essay examples" He is unimpressed with May and fascinated by Ellen ‘s exoticness, symbolised by his reaction to her unconventional house, where he felt the lamps imposed a â€Å" bleached shadowy appeal of a room unlike any room he had known † . ( Wharton, 1918:57 ) Another symbol of Newland ‘s flirting with the out danger of the unconventional is the type of flowers he gives to the two adult females in his life, giving flowers was non merely a manner to show wealth, but besides a manner to pass on elusive messages. During his battle with May, Newland sends lilies-of-the-valley to her â€Å" every forenoon on the minute † ( Wharton, 1918:65 ) , while it is traditionally given as a marrying flower to stand for a â€Å" return of felicity † , it besides symbolises artlessness and celibacy ( Gwen ) . The supporter sees May as being naA?ve and guiltless as the white flo wers he gives her suggest. However, during Newland ‘s first visit to Ellen Olenska ‘s place, he gives her a corsage of yellow roses which the supporter ‘s thought â€Å" there was something excessively rich, excessively strong, in their ardent beauty. † ( Wharton, 1918:65 ) as â€Å" he had ne’er seen any as sun-golden before † ( Wharton, 1918:65 ) therefore Wharton, suggests that like flowers reflects on the receiving system ‘s personality and hence the xanthous flowers symbolise green-eyed monster, unfaithfulness and exoticness. Yet, faced with the chance to arise, he lacks the bravery. Rather than contending against society ‘s positions on divorce, he volitionally gives in and decides non to follow her, even though he feels â€Å" an ceaseless indefinable craving † ( Wharton, 1918:183 ) for Ellen. The writer farther high spots Newland ‘s cowardliness and apathy by saying that he â€Å" instinctively felt that in this regard it would be troublesomeaˆÂ ¦to stick out for himself. † ( Wharton 1918:7 ) Newland ‘s unwillingness non to conform is farther extrapolated when he pays lip service to democratic rules, but one time married, reassumes his earlier conventional, patronizing attitude to May ‘s â€Å" artlessness † ( Wharton 1918:119 ) , with the premise that it â€Å" seals the head against imaginativeness and the bosom against experience! â€Å" ( Wharton, 1918:119 ) . Even when he subsequently admits to Ellen that his matrimony is a â€Å" fake † ( Wharton, 1918:199 ) , he blames her for his quandary stating â€Å" You gave me my first glance of a existent lifeaˆÂ ¦ it ‘s beyond human digesting † ( Wharton, 1918: 199 ) . Wharton ‘s oppressing unfavorable judgment of Newland culminates in the concluding pages. The clip is now 30 old ages subsequently and society is radically different. Old snobbisms have been abandoned and he realises that May ever knew about his relationship with Ellen. Yet, now there is â€Å" no ground for his go oning in the same modus operandi † ( Wharton, 1918:289 ) and he has a opportunity of freedom, he is still â€Å" held fast by wont † ( Wharton 1918:290 ) and â€Å" saw into what a deep rut he had sunk. † ( Wharton, 1918:290 ) Indeed Newland has non changed at all ; he is still torn between the feeling that he should prosecute in â€Å" new things † . ( Wharton, 1918:290 ) He is good cognizant that now â€Å" Cipher was shockable adequate † ( Wharton, 1918:290 ) to worry about past injudiciousnesss. However, the supporter still lacks bravery to be true to himself. He seems frozen by inactiveness, highlighted by his failure to see Ellen ‘s flat, as he thinks â€Å" it ‘s more existent to me here if I went up † ( Wharton, 1918:298 ) . Wharton shows how Newland continues at war within himself as he â€Å" all of a sudden heard himself state † . ( Wharton, 1918:298 ) these words. Therefore as the terminal, when he â€Å" walked back entirely † ( Wharton, 1918:298 ) , readers understand the otiose chances of Newland ‘s life as he can ne’er interrupt out of societal norms. As Wharton demonstrates a usage of sarcasm as Ellen â€Å" closed the shutters † ( Wharton, 1918:298 ) , she is symbolically stoping any opportunity that Newland has of altering. Similarly, Mark Twain uses his chief characters to review his society, but is it non the snobbism and the conventions that are attacked, but the lip service. Huck is used as a device to dramatize the struggle between societal or received morality on the one manus, and a different sort of morality based on intuition and experience on the other. Like persons of his age, Huck is written through the position of a kid and although he is doubting of spiritual values, such an immatureness is demonstrated by the supporter ‘s superstitious positions as he heard â€Å" a shade † ( Twain, 1884:4 ) . Despite such beliefs, Huck reflects Twain ‘s agnosticism as he remains stainless by the regulations and premises of society in which he finds himself in. Even though Huck is speedy to knock the absurdness of the universe around him, he does non try to do discourtesy. He is every bit speedy to state us that though the â€Å" widow cried over me, and called me a hapless lost lamb. . . she ne’er meant no injury by it. † ( Twain, 1884:2 ) . Couple presents the supporter ‘s unwillingness to alter after Miss Watson ‘s efforts to â€Å" sivilize † ( Twain, 1884:1 ) him, but shortly reverts back to his old wonts after populating with his male parent. The struggle between the subjugation of civilization and â€Å" natural life † is introduced in the first chapter through the attempts of the Miss Watson, who tries to coerce Huck to have on new apparels, give up smoke, receive an instruction and larn the Bible. Couple nowadayss both Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas as being highly conservative, invariably seeking to learn Huck the ways of a spiritual society which he finds â€Å" boring and only † ( Twain, 1884:3 ) , whereas Huck is represented as being out traveling and free spirited. Twain uses an analogy to depict Huck ‘s antipathy for the inefficiency within supplication as Miss Watson tells Huck â€Å" to pray every twenty-four hours, and whatever I asked for I would acquire it. But it war n’t so. I tried it. Once I got a fish-line, but no hooksaˆÂ ¦ . I tried for the maulerss three or four times, but somehow I could n’t do it work. † ( Twain, 1884:4 ) Here, Twain suggests that Huck is unable to hold on the construct of formal faith. Furthermore, Huck ‘s refusal to remain at the Grangerfords reveals his inability to settle down as he says, â€Å" there war n’t no place like a raft † ( Twain, 1884:5 ) Therefore, Huck is used to show the writer ‘s chief message that the barbarian manner of life is more desirable and morally superior to the corruptness of purportedly civilized American society. Wharton besides subverts the mythology of America as a new, democratic society. America is supposed to be an uninhibited â€Å" heaven † as opposed to the stiff European â€Å" snake pit † experienced by Ellen. However, the writer suggests that people have in fact imported the â€Å" old † category differentiations and snobbism from Europe. â€Å" Old † New York society has an ambivalent attitude towards the â€Å" new † rich. Peoples admire Julius Beaufort because he is affluent but despise him because he is self-made, despite the fact that he has gained societal reputability by get marrieding into the celebrated Mingott household, he is ever at the outer peripheries of society and considered slightly disreputable. The possibility of a new beginning is symbolized by Newland and Ellen ‘s interlude in the Patroon ‘s house. The original Dutch governor ‘s bungalow embodies the possibility that the twosome can get away the yesteryear. In contrast, the new wave der Luydens are one of the most well-thought-of households because of their European lineage, epitomised by their â€Å" high-ceilinged white-walled Madison Avenue drawing-room, with the picket brocaded armchairs so evidently exposed for the juncture, and the gauze still veiling the ormolu mantle decorations † . ( Wharton, 1918:42 ) Their seal of blessing is needed to derive societal acceptableness, shown when their invitation to Ellen allows her to come in New York society as they delivered her an envelope that â€Å" contained a card ask foring the Countess Olenska to the dinner † ( Wharton, 1918:7 ) . However, she shortly discovers that this surroundings is merely as stiff and stratified as Europe, as Newland explains, â€Å" New York Society is†¦ ruled, in malice of visual aspects, by a really few people with- well- instead old- fashioned ideasaˆÂ ¦ † ( Wharton, 1918:89-90 ) Wharton shows that alteration is rejected as a d estabilising influence. In the first chapter, Ellen is seen have oning an unfamiliar European style-dress which attracts â€Å" undivided attending † ( Wharton, 1918:10 ) . The disapproval of such new manner is emphasised when Miss Jackson notes, â€Å" aˆÂ ¦In my youthaˆÂ ¦ it was considered vulgar to dress in the newest fashionsaˆÂ ¦ † ( Wharton, 1918:211 ) . Wharton points out the inevitable alteration of society by showing a contrast at the terminal of the book ; Dallas Archer has married Julius Beaufort ‘s bastard girl, Fanny which would hold one time been considered wholly unacceptable. The writer even points out the comparing between Fanny and Ellen as the former â€Å" had won [ New York ‘s ] bosom much as Madame Olenska had won it 30 old ages before † ( Wharton, 1918:260 ) . However, now â€Å" alternatively of being distrustful and afraid of her, society gleefully took her for granted. â€Å" ( Wharton, 1918:260 ) . As Newl and reflects, â€Å" Peoples presents were excessively busy with reforms and â€Å" motions, † aˆÂ ¦ to trouble oneself much about their neighbors. † ( Wharton, 1918:291 ) Therefore, the fact that such a respected and conventional household such as the Archers became connected to â€Å" Beaufort ‘s assholes † ( Wharton, 1918:291 ) is used to bespeak how stiff New York society one time was and how much it has changed. An built-in portion of Wharton ‘s review is the repression of adult females. Late 19th century New York society is steadfastly patriarchal. Womans are expected to be inanimate, cosmetic and pure. Wharton uses costumes to foreground these outlooks as May is instantly introduced as â€Å" a immature miss in white † . ( Wharton, 1918:5 ) This symbolism suggests her artlessness and fidelity towards her hereafter partner. In contrast, Ellen is subsequently introduced as have oning a â€Å" dark bluish velvet gown instead stagily caught up under her bosom by a girdle with a big antique clasp. † . ( Wharton, 1918:7-8 ) This description instantly highlights Ellen ‘s refusal to conform and so openly ask foring attending which is a complete contrast to May ‘s costume, proposing her deficiency of conformity of the gender stereotype. Furthermore, adult females are expected to get married and stay so, nevertheless severely they are treated. Wharton emphasises the m anner work forces patronise adult females through the relationship between Newland and May. He notices his married woman ‘s narrow involvement while in London with annoyance, where â€Å" nil interested her but the theaters and the stores. † ( Wharton, 1918:160 ) and patronizingly teaches her about art. Women within New York society besides have to be compliant and supportive of their hubbies, irrespective of their partners ‘ behavior as â€Å" May ‘s lone usage of the autonomy she supposed herself to possess would be to put it on the communion table of her wifelike worship. † ( Wharton, 1918:160 ) Wharton besides presents the meeting of individualities of adult females with their hubbies through the word picture of the new wave der Luydens who â€Å" were so precisely alike that Archer frequently wondered how, after 40 old ages of the closest conjugality, two such merged individualities of all time separated themselves plenty for anything every bit controversial as a talking-over.. † . ( Wharton, 1918:43 ) The rebellion against gendered stereotypes is by and large opposed, as shown when Ellen is condemned for take a firm standing on divorce. There are some exclusions, for illustration, Mrs. Manson Mingott, whose â€Å" influence is great throughout her household † ( Wharton, 1918:206 ) , because she is affluent and does non present a menace to societal convention yet even she refuses to assist her girl, Regina when Beaufort runs off with Fanny. Miss Manson Mingott abandons her girl, claiming that their household name was tarnished by such an incident as she says â€Å" It was Beaufort when he covered you with gems, and it ‘s got to remain Beaufort now that he ‘s covered you with shame. † ( Wharton, 1918:223 ) Furthermore, this intervention of adult females produces societal tensenesss. Newland desires Ellen, who is sexually experienced, and had a affair with Mrs. Rushworth who was his rational e qual. However, if he wants to keep male high quality, he has to accept May and the deficiency of fulfillment he knows he will see throughout his married life. It is through the creative activity of these characters that Wharton critiques her patriarchal society. Wharton ‘s society is brewing with lip service, as money buys non merely regard and human value but besides free scope to populate without effects. In the novel ‘s society, value and individuality are rooted in philistinism and lip service, bespeaking non merely a crisis of subjectiveness on the degree of the person but besides suggesting at a larger prostration of human relationships in general. Like Wharton, Twain besides condemns the lip service of the spiritual. However, the onslaught is much more biting, even though the tone, created through Huck ‘s voice, is humourous and purposes to satirically mock the values presented by the supporter. In the first chapter, Miss Watson introduces Huck to â€Å" the bad topographic point † ( Twain, 1884:3 ) , while the supporter, could non â€Å" see no advantage in traveling † ( Twain, 1884:3 ) to Heaven. Twain indicates that despite the caretakers ‘ purposes, Huck ne’er sees any existent weight in faith and treats the construct of Eden and snake pit as a myth. Subsequently, when the mountebanks, â€Å" Duke † and â€Å" King † , convert a spiritual community to give them money so they can â€Å" change over † their non-existent plagiarist friends, the God-fearing common people are easy fooled as King â€Å" went all through the crowd with his chapeau † ( Twain, 1884:171 ) roll uping money and is subsequently offered adjustment. Therefore, King and the Duke are used to stand for those con-men who use faith in a corrupt mode, for self-gain. The chapters where Huck meets the Grangerford and Sheperdson allows Twain to utilize sarcasm in order to reprobate certain facets of purportedly civilized America. Both households represent the wealthy and educated and uncover the senseless ferociousness and gratuitous slaughter involved in their arbitrary construct of honor. The dignified Colonel Grangerford, who is eager for the glorification to be gained from hiting â€Å" a few buck-shot â€Å" ( Twain, 1884:141 ) at a Shepherdson household member, unquestioningly believes in devaluating human life, emphasized by the Twain ‘s suggestion of the feud is so arbitrary that the households do non even know why they are contending ( Q ) . Both feuding households are church departers and in one discourse where both the households â€Å" took their guns along â €  ( Twain, 1884:142 ) , given by Mr. Grangerford he speaks of â€Å" brotherlike love † ( Twain, 1884:142 ) while, hypocritically, encourages the slaying of the opposing household. Twain satirise this by showing Huck ‘s oblivion to spiritual values, crying that â€Å" it seem aˆÂ ¦to be one of the roughest Sundays, I had run across yet † ( Twain, 1884:142 ) , when compared to the household ‘s positive remarks about the â€Å" good discourse † ( Twain, 1884:142 ) . Through this averment, it can be suggested that Twain is resentful towards the contradiction of spiritual values, which is reinforced by the in writing description of the confrontation as Buck recalls that â€Å" his male parent and his brother was killed, and two or three of the enemy. † ( Twain, 1884:148 ) intended to floor the readers and reinforce Twain ‘s point that God-fearing and self-proclaimed observant Americans feel justified in utilizing such ferociousness. This incident is besides in marked contrast to the breeding of Wharton, who ne’er references force. This comparing clearly indicates the different nature of these two respective societies – the abrasiveness of the South and the polish of New York – even though both claim to be, in comparing with aliens, civilised. Another major unfavorable judgment of Twain ‘s society is the unfairness of bondage. In The Adventures Huckleberry Finn, The writer uses sarcasm to show that bondage is supported by even the most â€Å" moral † of characters. Miss Watson, an educated and devout Christian adult female, is besides a slave proprietor, connoting that people who regard themselves as morally unsloped believe that bondage is justified inkinesss are purportedly racially inferior and is willing to sell Jim â€Å" down to Orleans † ( Q ) for eight-hundred dollars. Furthermore, the word picture of Pap reinforces the connexion between hapless moral character, racism, and the credence of bondage. He is portrayed as, non merely a racialist, but besides, a rude, self-involved rummy and kid maltreater. As he says â€Å" I was merely approximately to travel and vote myself if I war n’t excessively imbibe to acquire at that place ; but when they told me there was a State in this State where they ‘d allow a nigger ballot, I drawed out. † ( Twain, 1884:36 ) The writer presents how visual aspect and clamber coloring material are the lone standards considered by the societies of the South when finding who is afforded rights in comparing to the black â€Å" p’fessor † ( Twain, 1884:36 ) from the northern province of Ohio. It appears that regardless of how immoral and depraved a white adult male might be, he is still afforded more power than that of a moral black character wish Jim as he is immediately blamed for the â€Å" slaying † of Huck. Therefore exemplifying how society is speedy to fault persons who are socially underprivileged. Here, Twain ‘s really willingness to portray a morally unsloped character like Jim, whose predicament is intended to convey understanding, presents an attitude that is doubtless anti-slavery. In contrast to Pap ‘s changeless maltreatment of his boy, Jim is shown to lose his household as he â€Å" was frequently moaning and mourning that manner, darks, when he judged that [ Huck ] was asleep † ( Twain, 1884:201 ) as he realises that he â€Å" ai n’t of all time gwyne to see † ( Twain, 1884:201 ) them of all time once more. Twain emphasizes Jim ‘s superior moral facets to Huck ‘s male parent by showing the character ‘s compunction in penalizing his girl, ‘lizabeth, after gaining that she is deaf and was hence, unable to listen to his demands. True the supporter does express racist attitudes towards Jim when he says â€Å" I would n’t agitate my nigga, would I? – the lone†¦ nigga I had in the universe, and the lone belongings. † ( Twain, 1884:279 ) However, Twain indicates that Huck is merely a kid who has been influenced by societal bias as he is raised within a deeply bigoted society. While The Age of Innocence and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are really similar in manner and building, the chief difference occurs in the usage of imagination. Wharton uses the coloring material â€Å" white † to symbolize pureness and artlessness, as exemplified in May ‘s costumes as she dresses in â€Å" white and splinter † ( Wharton,1918:53 ) and the â€Å" corsage of lilies-of-the-valley † ( Wharton,1918:5 ) she receives from Newland. In contrast, Twain uses the thought of â€Å" white † to sabotage the racial bias practised by the white Southerners. Pap Finn represents the worst facets of white society as he is illiterate, nescient, violent, and deeply bigoted. As Huck remarks, his male parent is â€Å" white ; but non like another adult male ‘s white, but a white to do a organic structure ill † . ( Twain, 1884:25 ) Here, the sickening deathlike lividness of Finn ‘s tegument underscores Twain ‘s disapprobation of the Whites who feel that they are superior to inkinesss, merely because of the coloring material of their tegument. Conversely, the black professor from Ohio is described as have oning â€Å" all right apparels † , â€Å" a gold ticker and concatenation, and a silver-headed cane † and is able to â€Å" speak all sorts of linguistic communications, and knowed everything † ( Twain, 1884:36 ) . This clearly educated adult male is able to vote whereas Pap takes his privileges for granted, warranting his failure to vote by stating he was â€Å" excessively intoxicated † ( Twain, 1884:36 ) . In set uping the contrast between Pap and the Negro, Twain overturns the traditional positions of his clip which suggests that the color white, non black, is associated with immorality. Decision Clearly, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and The Age of Innocence are really similar in the manner they present vesicating reviews on their several societies. Both Wharton and Twain use a wide-ranging assortment of different schemes to convey their message. The word pictures of major and minor characters illustrate how persons react and are affected by biass. In Wharton ‘s instance, the memorable supporter, Newland Archer, is bogged down by society ‘s fright of alteration, whilst Twain ‘s Huckleberry Finn subtly remarks on the unfairnesss of his society through the infantile eyes of artlessness. Furthermore, linguistic communication, manner and symbolism reinforce the unfavorable judgments. Readers of both plants are invited to reason that conformance, bias and lip service are unacceptable values for any society to keep and tolerance and fairness are far more preferred. How to cite The Practice Of Enforced Conformity English Literature Essay, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Star Trek A Chronicle Essay Example For Students

Star Trek: A Chronicle Essay Star Trek: A ChronicleSpace the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds.. . to seek out new life and new civilizations We will write a custom essay on Star Trek: A Chronicle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now to boldly go where no one has gone before The above blurb has been used to introduce the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation. The shows run has elapsed that of its predecessor, the original Star Trek. The original spawned six movies and endless conventions, and both have given way to action figures for children, national clubs, and other various paraphernalia. This is the chronicle to end all chronicles: the full analysis and timeline of one of the most popular television programs in contemporary American history. Americans are fascinated with the possibility of intelligent life somewhere else in the universe; this has been displayed in books and plays and movies too numerous to mention, not to mention the accounts of everyday people who say that they have encountered aliens and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). This fascination became so great that in the late 1970s, President Carter decided to launch an investigation within NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to uncover the mystery of UFOs and intelligent life in the universe. Science fiction plays upon this obsession. The great science fiction writers have sent our imaginations into overload with scores of stories to tell. The two most popular futuristic science fiction stories, Star Trek and Star Wars, both have similar characteristics. Both involve many different species of life (our nearest equivalent would be races). The Ferengi, Vulcans, humans, Betazoids, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, androids, and Bjorans are in the Star Trek series (which includes the original television series, the six movies, the NextGeneration television series, and the television series Deep Space Nine), while the Star Wars movie trilogy includes humans, Wookies, Jawas, Ewoks, droids, Tusken Raiders, and a host of various other strange and exotic looking lifeforms. Each species has its own heritage, customs, beliefs, and socioeconomic status. I am sure that each science fiction storyline has its own unusual breed of lifeform, but this paper will examine only a particular science fiction storyline which has mushroomed into a cultural obsession. I choose not to focus on the works of Ray Bradbury and the like; Im sure that they are superb writers. (A fantastic example is Bradburys A Sound of Thunder, which is the probable predecessor to all of todays hype surrounding the film Jurassic Park and the childrens character Barney the dinosaur.) However, Ive never heard of a Ray Bradbury convention, or action figures based on characters hes created. Star Trek appeared in the right place at the right time. It was the middle of the 1960s, an extremely vibrant decade which primarily transformed America from a quiet-yet-strong idealism with do-or-die patriotism to a wild and eccentric liberal age, exhibiting imaginations let loose from the taboos and inhibitions of the era of World War II and the 1950s. The 1960s are difficult to describe briefly; Id do a better job in another whole paper. However, major contributing factors that made the 1960s what they were included Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, assassinations of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King (among others), the music revolution (which was symbolized and brought to a head at Woodstock), the Vietnam war, and the space program. Not to mention (to quote Dave Barry) 42 hillion jillion other things. But it was the space program (which was President Kennedys dream), along with American curiosity of UFOs, that gave Star Trek a nearly guaranteed fan base. Having completed the Mercury 7 shift, NASA was in full gear with the Gemini spaceproject when Star Trek premiered on television sets across the country. It told the tale of a time (nobody knew if it was the future, the present, or the past nobody knew exactly when the stories took place in reference to our time here on Earth, because the time sequences were given in a mysterious-sounding five-digit stardate) in space with a governing body called Starfleet, and the vessel of focus was an exploratory starship named the Enterprise. The characters of the show were the ships main personnel: Captain James Tiberius Kirk and his crew. All of the signifiers that these characters displayed in the original series have been distorted to such a degree in certain circles that sometimes they have completely lost the original characterization of the fictional person. An illustration is that of slashzines, which are pseudo-condescending fanzines (which is a magazine focused solely on a cultural obsession), which usually includes fictional homoeroticism. The term slashzines comes from the way the stories are classified. For example, K/S (read: Kirk slash Spock) stories deal with stories of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock engaging in homosexual sex. The original television series lasted for about three years, then fizzled out. Until the early 1980s. Star Trek: The Movie came out at this time, right at the peak of the Star Wars fame (the second movie of the trilogy, The Empire Strikes Back, was released in 1980, and the final film of the saga, The Return of the Jedi, came out in 1983. ) Any hint of competition between these two thrillingly entertaining science fiction storylines would occur at this juncture in time. The sequel to the movie, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, enjoyed the same level of success that the first did, and throughout the next ten years following this film, the Star Trek series would be reborn through the countless movies and a resurgence of the television series. The 1980s also saw a rather unusual phenomenon: the Trekkie convention. Trekkiesare people obsessed with the show and all of the paraphernalia associated with it. .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .postImageUrl , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:hover , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:visited , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:active { border:0!important; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:active , .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8f1e48ecb71ce2276d4bda5cd051e77a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Should Highschool Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay These people were the true and dedicated fan base; they watched every episode loyally, memorized whole scripts and show trivia (including personal data of the characters which had to be fabricated by the writers because of either demand or excess creativity), bought action figures and countless books on the Starship Enterprise and the crew (one book I recall seeing gave a complete detail of everything on the ship, from bathrooms to living quarters to engines to loading bays), and attended lectures and formed their own regional clubs (also called Starships). Part of what makes Star Trek a cultural obsession is its alluring, al most mysterious quality. This quality is inherent in one case, because the base of the show and the storyline covers a possible solution to the contemporary Americans wonder of the great beyond: is there other intelligent life in the universe? (A bumper sticker parodies this as well: Beam me up Scotty: theres no intelligent life down here.) Also, some of the things that the shows actors do outside the show are of interest. William Shatner, the actor who played Kirk in the original series and all of the movies, has been stereotyped as the perennial bad actor, overacting every one of his lines. Many people can imitate and do an impression of Kirk. Leonard Nimoy, the Mr. Spock on the original series and six films, turned to directing, and has done quite well; a recent notable achievement was Three Men and a Baby. (On a brief sidenote, most of the actors on the original series have made brief cameo appearances either on Star Trek: The Next Generation as their original characters an example is James Doohan, who played Scotty, the engineer or in a similar context in another show, such as the actress who played Uhura, who appeared as herself on Head of the Class, an ABC situation comedyset in a high school.) Patrick Stewart, who plays Captain Jean-Luc Picard on The Next Generation series of the television show, was a Shakespearean actor before auditioning for the part. I have seen him play Claudius in Hamlet; he was extraordinarily good. Brent Spiner, who plays Audio Animatronic-like android Lieutenant Commander Data on the newer . . series, recently did a musical album entitled Old Yellow Eyes Is Back. The title parodies Frank Sinatra (Old Blue Eyes) and the character Spiner plays; he dons yellow contact lenses as part of his android costume. One of the songs on the album features his fellow co-stars as backup singers. A final note belongs to Wil Wheaton, who plays Ensign Wesley Crusher (and son to Dr. Crusher, the ships doctor) on The Next Generation. He had already acquired some semblance of fame as the lead in the flick Stand By Me. However, Wesley has also been stereotyped as a whining child in a teenagers body who sulks in his quarters whenever he doesnt get what he wants. The show has been so popular and so stereotyped that the parodies it has endured run into countless numbers. But most of the Star Trek parodies we are familiar with are those on the accessible media: radio and television. The NBC late-night comedy show Saturday Night Live has done it at least twice; one with the late 1970s cast (which had John Belushi at the ships helm), and another time when William Shatner himself hosted the program, where the ship had turned into a restaurant of sorts. (I distinctly remember Dana Carvey playing some character out to get Kirk by listing sanitary problems with his restaurant. I can hear it now. .. No sneeze-guard on the salad bar!) Furthermore (possibly on the same show, because I don;t think he hosted the show more than once), a skit about a Star Trek convention was produced, and the convention was especially lucky because William Shatner, nearly considered a god to these die-hard Trekkies, wouldactually be speaking at the convention. In his speech, he says that he is sick and tired of all this nonsense and tells all the Trekkies to get a life. (Some say this skit is the origination of that particular phrase.) He asks one Trekkie in particular, who looks like the stereotypical nerd and wears a T-shirt that says I Grock Spock (and who knows what that means), after guessing his age to be about 30, if he had ever kissed a girl. He shies away and looks embarrassed. He does the same to others, lashing out at their eccentric fetish, screaming I mean, its just a TV show! Then some angry suit whispers something into his ear, and he returns to the podium, looking red in the face and apologizes to the crowd, saying that was what the evil Captain Kirk would have said, had he been here today. He was just pulling your collective leg, ha ha ha, now live long and prosper, and hell see you on the bridge. A funny song called Star Trekkin' was created by a band called The Firm (not to be confused with a rock band of the same name). The chorus was: Star trekkin across the universe, on the Starship Enterprise, with old Captain Kirk.. .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .postImageUrl , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:hover , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:visited , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:active { border:0!important; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:active , .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2 .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u06f09041a95f985e3c589e5ea7fc2ba2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Scaffold Scenes in the Scarlet Letter Essay. Star trekkin across the universe, boldly going forward cause we cant find reverse. The song received heavy airplay on The Dr. Demento Show, a radio program which only played really bizarre and funny tunes. All the verses of the song were the repetition of classic lines used in the original series, such as: Theres sic Klingons on the starboard bound, Jim You cannot change the laws of physics, Jim Scotty, beam me up! Its life, Jim, but not as we know it, Captain Its worse than that hes dead, Jim! The above phrases are but a few in the vernacular of the shows history. A few others are Onscreen (which has been used in both the original and The Next Generation series),Make it so and Engage, used exclusively by Jean-Luc Picard on the newer show, and Thank you, number one, also used exclusively by Picard to his right-hand man, William Riker. The uses of computers and networking have allowed many people (including college students) access to a wealth of information about nearly anything a worldwide computer library, if you will and the possibility to hold conversations across the globe. A lot of information for this paper was retrieved from the computer networks, and a minuscule fraction o f it has newsgroups and permanent computer discussions which parody Star Trek in every imaginable way. For example, a computer news group system exists on the network where one can read postings by people across the globe on numerous topics, ranging from music to jokes to sports to sex to television. There are (at last count) over twelve hundred groups. Nine del with Star Trek in one way or another. Some of the names of these groups include alt. startrek.creative, rec.arts.startrek, rec. arts.startrek.fandom, rec.arts. startrek.info, rec.arts.startrek. reviews, and rec.arts.startrek.tech. (The computer network is in itself part of what Star Trek is all about: the show has the ability to communicate nearly anything in its known universe in a matter of seconds. Once I sent a piece of electronic mail a.k.a. e-mailto a student at the University of California at Berkeley; he said he received it in under five minutes. Sure beats the postal service, and it even beats Federal Express. Those who are obsessed with the show and the image it projects upon society sometimes like to dress the part; this is the marketability (and the subsequent financial success) of the image. The show does offer uniforms, insignia, posters, hats, and other paraphernalia to the public through mail order catalogs and fanzines. My friend James (whose computer account name, by the way, is Enterprise) has a lapel pin which is used on the show for intraship communication. He loyally wears it on the vest he wears while working. Many Star Trek discussions have sprung up in recent times comparing Old Generation characters to their Next Generation counterparts, leading almost to a shouting match between those who hold the original series near and dear to their hearts, and those who have jumped on The Next Generation bandwagon in recent years (like myself). Comparisons between Kirk and Picard, Spock and Data, Scotty and LaForge, and Bones and Crusher are many and varied. An example of a main difference between different characters in like positions in different television series is that of the desires of the resident brains: Mr. Spock and Lieutenant Commander Data. Spock, being half Vulcan, shuns emotions and feelings, although his other half is human. Spock is caught between two forces. Data, on the other hand, is an android, a computer which looks human, who wishes to become human (the Pinocchio theory). This comparison is blown wide open when Nimoy makes a rare cameo appearance on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and he holds a conversation with Data which covers the above. A final bit of information about this cultural obsession involves actual use of the showin real life. In the movie Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, the Klingon language was partially invented and used in the film. English subtitles were used when Klingons were conversing in their native tongue. A linguist somewhere in America got a hold of an idea, and began long talks with the people behind the scenes of Star Trek: The Next Generation concerning the full invention and implementation of a real Klingon language. The Klingon language now does exist, and it holds the odd distinction of being the first artificial language created solely from the field of entertainment. Glossaries and dictionaries are in print, and the language consists of a lot of guttural and groaning sounds, along with difficult consonant combinations that would cause any American to emit saliva in an outward direction while attempting to talk in this truly original language. The Klingon language has rules of grammar, spelling, and the alphabet looks more like an Oriental language than Cyrillic. Therefore, the true die-hard Trekkie can actually use something in his quest for Star Trek Nirvana. To conclude this paper, I will prove that Star Trek is a cultural obsession. Some of the information gathered for this paper came from a few friends with their few various thoughts, and the small amount of information I got from my computer account. However, the bulk of information came from my memory and personal experience. And I dont even speak Klingon.